Perhaps the most frustrating thing for Momma now that she's GF again is eating out with friends. While she can always find something on a menu that she can eat, often times she feels frustrated and left out in restaurants.
Take tonight for example, she and Daddy gave me a new rawhide, and I curled up in my room while they went to O'Charley's with friends. I was content to gnaw all night, and Momma ate a really good meal. The nice thing about being GF is that she's eating protein every night, whether it be in quinoa and shrimp, chicken, or tonight's steak. That wasn't the problem. The issue came when the waiter dropped the "unslicebly soft" rolls off at the table and everyone dug in like hyenas. Those are the moments where Momma sighs and sits on her hands. Eating gluten free isn't tough, it's resisting temptation in public places. Daddy does a really good job of keeping her on track, but I know it does make her sad not to be able to join in during bread courses. Those used to be her favorite, just ask Gma!
Thursday she has a lunch with her coworkers, and they're going to a pizza joint. Her coworkers offered to change locations when they realized, but Momma knows they don't need to, she can find something. In fact, other than feeling left out at the bread course, she's eating a lot healthier! Like I said, more protein, more green veggies. all in all a good thing! It's too bad about the bread though. It was super soft.
Courage, ma chere!!!