Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Long Corgi Holiday

Geez! It's been a really long time since I updated! It's been a busy almost month for Momma and Daddy, and for Momma it's been all about the Wii Fit. Momma has been on that thing every day for 45 minutes at a time! She's gotten all toned and stuff, it's been making her really happy and really fun to be around now that she isn't all BLECH.

So, what's happened? Well, the first cool thing that happened was that Momma's boss took her and her coworkers to the Strawberry Shortcake festival here:
This is the Indianapolis Soldiers and Sailors Monument, also known as The Circle. It's cobblestoned and has a fountain. From the top of the monument, you can see all of Indianapolis. Daddy will probably want to go up there at some point, Momma will probably faint in fear. The strawberry festival is awesome though, even though Momma couldn't try the shortcake, she still got strawberries, whipped cream, and ice cream! 
There were all these nice ladies handing out tasty food, Momma snapped a really nice picture she thinks captures the bustle:
This was the finished product, look at the reds and the whites and the stawberries and the... drooooooool. Hey, even though I can't eat strawberries, I can still drool over them! They're tasty morsels!

Dinners have been a lot of repeats, Daddy made lots of dishes that keep well in the fridge, so he's been making stuff in bulk. Momma and Daddy have mostly replaced beef and chicken with turkey, which is unusual cause Momma usually hates turkey! It's been going into pasta sauces, rice dishes, etc. That and shrimp are really the staples for them now. Every now and then I get a bit of meat, and it's very tasty!

Recently though, they picked up these chicken sausages from Wal-Mart, and they were really good! Daddy mixed them with a pesto sauce, which is really basily (heh), and tortellini. The sausages were chicken, spinach, and mozzarella. The cheese melted in the pan when Daddy cooked them, and so when he cut them up to put in the pasta/pesto mix, the cheese just oozed all over everything and made the already cheesy tortellini even better. It was an awesome dish, and even though the pasta wasn't the best, it was still a really good dinner.
Tonight is the Fourth of July, and yesterday Momma told me the story of the American Revolution. I'm Welsh, so I'm kinda the enemy. Momma felt I should understand why there will be tons of fireworks that will freak me out, but all I heard was "Wahwahwahwahwah".

To show my patriotism, here's me in Momma's Chicago shirt!

Go Bears/Cubs/Sox/Bulls! But most importantly... GO BLACKHAWKS!

Also! July 12th I will be the dog of the day on The Daily Corgi! Come see me!


  1. ooo, I didn't know that Indy had a strawberry shortcake festival! That is awesome :) My sister and in-laws live there and we are west of Chicago. Go white sox!! :)

  2. Burke, I'm so glad you're back. I missed you!!!

  3. I'm glad to be back Gma! Momma took too long to let me type an entry this month.

    The strawberry festival is a huge deal here, they shut down the Circle to cars and you get to wander along the cobblestone with strawberries.
