Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Today is a very important day for my Momma and Daddy. Today is their 6th anniversary! Momma and Daddy have been together since the very first week of college. They've been all ewwy and coupley for a long time...

<--- This is Momma and Daddy right at the beginning of their "courtship. Look how young they are!
And this is Momma and Daddy now ------>

They're so cute, apparently. Allz I know is they're all kissy and it's gross. GROSS I TELLZ YOU!

A year ago, Momma and Daddy got engaged. This is the story, in Momma's words:

"The story begins on August 25th, 2004. We had just met, and were feeling each other out as potential dates. I decided to show off by standing up on a rock, off of which I promptly fell. Luke caught me, and it was over right then.

5 years later, we took our dog Burke to the same place to run around and be adored. With our friend Chris, we started walking toward the rocks. I began to tell him the story of that moment, and stood back up on the rock. As I began to fall off again, Luke caught me in his arms and pulled out a ring box. He told me: 'I'm glad you're standing on this rock, because I was wondering if you'd accept this rock'. It was over right then  and there."

Isn't that cute... Aren't my Momma and Daddy adorable?


  1. The story of how Luke proposed to you almost made me cry!! That's sooo sweet, Dana!! Happy Anniversary!!! ::HUGS::

  2. Great new look for the website!

  3. Yeah I really like the new layout :)
